
更新时间:2023-11-05 08:46:13来源:搜狐



A large body of evidence shows that exercise strengthens our brains. In studies, active people generally have more gray matter. Gray matter is made up of the brain's essential, working neurons (神经元). Fit people also tend to have healthier white matter, which supports and connects neurons. Partly as a consequence of these,exercise is strongly linked with lower risks of dementia(痴呆)and other Memory problems with age.

But exercise may increase exposure to Air pollution and previous studies have shown the opposite effects of air pollution on the brain. So, what happens them?

Some researchers looked at thousands of middle-aged adults from- the UK Bio-bank. The researchers characterized their physical activity patterns depending on the amount of physical activity collected from the devices researchers asked them to wear. They then evaluated air pollution levels where the people lived, asked the participants to complete brain scans, and finally, compared them. Researchers found that exercise was linked to excellent brain health for people in areas with little air pollution. But the beneficial associations almost disappeared for exercisers living in areas with even moderate(中度的) air pollution. They had less gray matter and more unhealthy white matter than people living and exercising away from pollution, even if their workouts were similar.

Extending these findings in a follow-up study,the same scientists found that the more people exercised, the less likely they were to develop dementia over time — provided their local air was clear. When it was moderately polluted, though, they had an increased long-term risk of dementia, whether they exercised or not.

These studies increase the urgency for developing more-effective regulations related to air quality. Public policy could be used to address people's exposure to air pollution during exercise. For example, since a great amount of air pollution comes from traffic, promoting running or bicycling along paths far from heavy traffic may be more beneficial.

32.What does the author intend to tell us in the first paragraph?

A.The reasons behind dementia.

B.The benefits of workouts on brains.

C. The working process of our brains.

D. The exercise suitable for people with dementia.

33. Why did the researchers ask the participants to wear the devices?

A.To record their daily routine.

B.To monitor the local air quality.

C. To help know their exercise patterns.

D. To warn them of healthy problems.

34.What can we learn from the studies?

A. Memory problems should be cured.

B. The structure of the brain is complicated.

C.People face many risk factors for dementia.

D.More rules against air pollution should be made quickly.

35.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Air quality has to be improved urgently.

B.Most people do exercise in a wrong way.

C.Air pollution may reduce benefits of exercise.

D.People with diseases should do more exercise.
